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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000023Sanny Builder[All Projects] compilerpublic2014-02-03 02:592014-03-16 17:21
Assigned ToSeemann 
PlatformWindows 8 PCOSOS Version
Product Version3.1.3 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000023: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories: Cleo Script I created is working in my game, but is invisible in the folder?
DescriptionI created a script specifically for GTA VCS (the mod by Silent and friends) and I can't seem to find my script in the folder. Is it invisible? I also saw that Compiling is not yet supported, is this the case? Why wouldn't it be supported?
Sorry if I ask too many questions. I am just frustrated because I thought I would be able to host this by the end of the day. Is there a temp work-around for this?
Additional InformationThe script works as expected in my game, but for whatever reason, can't be found in the directory.
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-  Notes
Aerotactics (reporter)
2014-02-03 03:09
edited on: 2014-02-03 07:55

After trying to drag the file from the Sannybuilder Open file window to my desktop, my comp says that the file doesn't exist or can't be found.

EDIT: So I found out you can change the game at the bottom corner of teh screen, but that turns off compiling...

Seemann (administrator)
2014-02-03 09:30

Compiling scripts in VCS mode is not supported yet in Sanny Builder. Thus it's only possible to compile in GTA3, VC or SA edit mode.

Scripts are compiled using a path set in the Options->Format->Compilation settings. Check them out. By default, a compiled file is created in the same directory where the source code file is. If you use the Compile+Copy feature, a copy of the compiled file is placed in the <game>\data\script folder.

Next time please use public forums to ask such questions. [^]
Aerotactics (reporter)
2014-02-03 10:22
edited on: 2014-02-03 19:35

Thanks for the quick response.
I was compiling in GTA SA mode, and my scripts appeared in the same folder (opening it through the library), but when I went to go search outside the library, I couldn't find it. Going to test your directions and repost here with results. Thanks again.

Well, I checked both my directories "(VCS and SA)>Data>Scripts" and don't see a script copy. After further fiddling, I found out that I run into an error when trying to associate with .cs extension it says Failed to set data for ".

Im dumb, but I figured it out with the help of Silent. He's a cool guy.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-02-03 02:59 Aerotactics New Issue
2014-02-03 02:59 Aerotactics Status new => assigned
2014-02-03 02:59 Aerotactics Assigned To => Seemann
2014-02-03 03:09 Aerotactics Note Added: 0000023
2014-02-03 07:55 Aerotactics Note Edited: 0000023 View Revisions
2014-02-03 09:30 Seemann Note Added: 0000024
2014-02-03 10:22 Aerotactics Note Added: 0000025
2014-02-03 10:37 Aerotactics Note Edited: 0000025 View Revisions
2014-02-03 19:35 Aerotactics Note Edited: 0000025 View Revisions
2014-03-16 17:21 Seemann Status assigned => closed
2014-03-16 17:21 Seemann Resolution open => fixed

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