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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000041Sanny Builder[All Projects] common issuespublic2017-05-23 15:022019-08-04 03:37
Assigned ToSeemann 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version3.2.2 
Target Version3.2.4Fixed in Version3.2.4 
Summary0000041: Приведите в порядок SCM.ini и opcodes.txt
DescriptionПривести в порядок названия и описания опкодов.
Заменить все "unknown" опкоды.
В режиме sa_scr отсутствуют кейворды.
В режиме vc присутствуют опкоды мобильной версии игры.
Добавить опкоды CLEO 2.0 для Vice City и GTA 3.
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-  Notes
Seemann (administrator)
2019-08-04 03:36

GTA 3 and VC opcodes were updated.
Keywords missing in sa_src is expected at this point.
Mobile opcodes in VC were added as they do not conflict with the PC version and no additional mode is required (like SA_Mobile)

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-05-23 15:02 Dmitry New Issue
2017-05-23 15:02 Dmitry Status new => assigned
2017-05-23 15:02 Dmitry Assigned To => Seemann
2019-08-04 03:36 Seemann Note Added: 0000050
2019-08-04 03:37 Seemann Status assigned => resolved
2019-08-04 03:37 Seemann Resolution open => fixed
2019-08-04 03:37 Seemann Fixed in Version => 3.2.4
2019-08-04 03:37 Seemann Target Version => 3.2.4

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