Sanny Builder Bug Tracker - Sanny Builder
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0000009Sanny Builder[All Projects] compilerpublic2013-07-20 21:202013-07-20 21:22
0000009: some model names can't be compiled in a CLEO script
The compiler does not allow to use a name of the model that is not defined in the DEFAULT.IDE, VEHICLES.IDE (SA), PEDS.IDE (SA) in an external script having no header info, raising the error #0083 (Model name can not be used).
This line causes an error
0@ = Object.Create(#TEMP_STINGER2, 0, 0, 0)

while this one is correct
0@ = Object.Create(2899, 0, 0, 0) [^]
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Issue History
2013-07-20 21:20SeemannNew Issue
2013-07-20 21:20SeemannStatusnew => assigned
2013-07-20 21:20SeemannAssigned To => Seemann
2013-07-20 21:20SeemannStatusassigned => resolved
2013-07-20 21:20SeemannResolutionopen => fixed
2013-07-20 21:20SeemannFixed in Version => 3.09
2013-07-20 21:20SeemannSummarya model name can't be compiled in a CLEO script => some model names can't be compiled in a CLEO script
2013-07-20 21:22SeemannSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=4#r4

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